The Ruling of the WorldBea Orlandiorganized by Gabrielle JensenJuly 19 to August 11 2019Download Press ReleaseThe Ruling of the World, 20192 channel video, flannel pillow, metal support, 84 x 36 x 12 inches [dimensions variable], 5 min. loopTheriomorphic Variation 03 (stare), 2019bucket, oatmeal, silicon, glass, 17 x 12 x 20 inchesTheriomorphic Variation 04 (disappear), 2019Behr Peanut Butter [270F-4] paint, nightlights, dimension variableThe Ruling of the World, 20192 channel video, flannel pillow, metal support, 84 x 36 x 12 inches [dimensions variable], 5 min. loopTheriomorphic Variation 02 (breathe), 2019Theriomorphic Variation 02 (breathe), wool blanket, pneumatic system, dimensions variableTheriomorphic Variation 04 (disappear), 2019Behr Peanut Butter [270F-4] paint, nightlights, dimension variableTheriomorphic Variation 01 (still), 2019two prints, silicon, frame, 6 x 4 ½ inches